To become a skilled operator, children have to spend atleast 30 minutes a day during the course of learning. Like any other skill, Practice is the key factor to master Abacus. The red color movable buttons are called beads and the movement of these beads represent numbers. The upper block constitute of only 1 bead and lower block constitutes of 4 beads in each rod. Soroban is a horizontally structured Abacus that has 2 blocks. The upper block constitutes 2 beads and lower block constitutes 5 beads in each rod. The Suanpan is a horizontally structured Abacus that has 2 blocks. Apart from this model, a Chinese version of Abacus was used in ancient times which was called as Saunpan Abacus.

Soroban Abacus is the traditional Japanese model of Abacus used for performing basic arithmetic operations. The beads in the upper part are the Upper Beads or the Heaven Beads.The beads in the lower part are the Lower Beads or the Earth Beads.The abacus is divided into the upper and the lower part by a horizontal bar called the Beam.The abacus which we are using has 17 rods.